Post graduate studies

Hi!! Today I wanna tell you about my future post graduate studies.

Actually I’m in the fourth year of the program, so at the end of the year I will get my bachelor's degree in psychology and in the next year I going to do a “diplomado”, I still don't decide the subject, I’m confused, specifically between two subjects: juridical psychology and educational psychology. 
So when I finished the career, I have planned to work here in Santiago for a few time in a childhood foundation like SENAME, Telethon or something.
Resultado de imagen para yoga infantil
Really, I wouldn’t do a post graduate studies because is to much money, and I will prefered to spend my money and my time in some else, like travels, food. But some time ago, I think that I could do a yoga for kids course and combinate this with psychology, like a children therapy form with or, maybe do some art specialization and practice the therapy art with children too.

But, in the case that I have the money or the opportunity with a scholarship or something, I would like study a post graduate in France, about childhood psychology and development, and incidentally study some important psychology figures like Jean Piaget or  Jacques Lacan the very famous psychoanalyst, author of the language theory in the psychoanalysis.

See you in the next post. Bye 


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