
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2019

Post graduate studies

Hi!! Today I wanna tell you about my future post graduate studies. Actually I’m in the fourth year of the program, so at the end of the year I will get my bachelor's degree in psychology and in the next year I going to do a “diplomado”, I still don't decide the subject, I’m confused, specifically between two subjects: juridical psychology and educational psychology.  So when I finished the career, I have planned to work here in Santiago for a few time in a childhood foundation like SENAME, Telethon or something. Really, I wouldn’t do a post graduate studies because is to much money, and I will prefered to spend my money and my time in some else, like travels, food. But some time ago, I think that I could do a yoga for kids course and combinate this with psychology, like a children therapy form with or, maybe do some art specialization and practice the therapy art with children too. But, in the case that I have the money or the opportunity with a scholarship or

The last movie I seen: The Joker.

Hi everyone, in the late I went to the cinema and I see "The joker" the new movie of DC, written and produced by Todd Phillips and acting by Joaquin Phoenix. This movie is about a man with affective incontinence    show the difficult history of this man and how he turn in "The Joker", the famous criminal of Gotham city and the eternal enemy of Bruce Wayne, Batman.   I loved this movie because show a different perspective of this famous character, focused on his metamorphosis. with a very emotional view and so different from previous movies. Joaquin realize an extraordinary work, transmitting all his emotions in a magical way.   His role is unic and very different form his previous movies like "Her", "Signs" or "gladiator", moreover, like I said before this joker is very different from the other famous DC s films of "the joker" principal like   "the joker" of heath Ledger , in Batman: the dark knight, dire


Hi everyone!! Today I wanna talk about the job that I want to do in the future.  In  first place, I study psychology, and actually i ' m in fourth year. In the next year a need to do my practice, a diplomate and start my thesis,    however I really love mi career and I have planned to do a specialize in childhood psychology, specifically in the area of sex crimes or inclusive education for in the the future can work here in Santiago in a    non-profit foundation for children or in   sename´s foundation for a few years and then comeback to Paillaco, my little town .    So, like I said before I   love mi career but some time ago I have an idea, mi dream job, after I work for some years, I will ask for a loan in the bank and more my savings I would like to create a tourism company in paillaco   this is a beautiful little town in the south east of Valdivia, moreover is very near of the ranco basin and of some hills.   so this place will have many things like adventure tourism

John Bowlby

Hello everybody!! Today I going to talk about the person that I admire on my discipline, Psychology, he is John Bowlby. John was a British psychologist, he was born on England on 1907. He grew up under the rigid customs of this country. His father was  doctor and his mother don’t worked, Jonh saw her just one hour in the afternoon after the “tea”. Both considered like all the parents of the same social class that too much parental attention will be bad for him. He was raised by a nanny; however, she lefts the house when he was four, this was considered like a separation maternal for him. In the University he studied Psychology, more later he studied medicine, did a specializing on psychiatry and finally did a specializing in psychoanalysis, title that obtained on 1937. He died on 1990. His principal attainment was the "attachment theory" on the decade of sixty, which refer to the innate motivational behavior independent conduct of eating or sex, something typic

Stand by me: my favorite movie

Hi everybody!  Today I wanna talk about my favorite movie. For be honest this choose a movie is very difficult to me, because I love the cinema and I like many movies, many genres, but one of my favorite movies is “Stand by me” of Rob Reiner. This movie is based in the book of Stephen King “the body”, its was recorder in 1986 in USA and is about four children of ten years, Gordie who tells the history, chris his best friend, Vern and Teddy. They want to discover a crime, in the town says that a young man is dead in the bord of the river near of the train line, but is very far and nobody is interesting in discover if is true or not. So one late this four kids take some things: food, water and clothes and go to the “place” to see the "body", they want to see a dead, like a form to be grown up. In the walk they discoveres many thing about themselves, cry, lougth but the most importantly, are friends.